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A Brief History of Screen Printing

January 13, 2023

Screen printing has brought custom t-shirt printing a long way from its early days. Screen printing has been a fabric design method since its first use in the Song Dynasty in China from 960 AD to 1279 AD, according to the Western New York Book Arts Center. Since then, many developments have allowed us to get to the modern custom t-shirt printing process, making it easier and more efficient. Read on below to learn more about the history of screen printing.

Screen Printing Moves to Japan

In the eighth century, screen printing moved from China to Japan. The Japanese used the traditional Chinese silk screen printing method, which involved using brushes to push the ink onto woven fabric. Surprisingly, this woven fabric was made of human hair! This type of printing was used to decorate a variety of ceremonial objects and textiles.

From funerals to births, Japan used silk screen printing for many occasions. They also used it to represent normal life in the 10th century, capturing snapshots of daily life in beautiful works of art. Many of these prints are on display in museums and galleries around the world and still used in Japanese culture. In addition, more accessible inks and stencils were developed to make the process more efficient.

Screen Printing Moves to Europe

In the 18th century, screen printing moved from Japan to Europe. European traders brought this method back to Europe when traveling from the Silk Road. The Silk Road was a network of trade routes that connected Europe to the East, and it was on this route that many ideas and products were exchanged. Through this route, traders brought back the Japanese and Chinese methods of screen printing before adapting them for Europe.

When this method reached Europe, French people would create their own versions of silk screens and began to use frames to stretch their fabric and make the stencils. This method was used to create designs and patterns on fabrics that were then used to make a variety of designs. Stretching the fabric onto frames allowed for a much larger surface area to be printed, and it also made the design process more efficient. Finally, screen printing reached its next level.

19th Century Squeegees

During the 19th century, artisans created the first squeegee tools to make silk screen printing more effective. This type of tool allowed people to print faster and with greater precision. Squeegees are still used in the modern process, though they come in many different forms and sizes. Using a squeegee was a way to get an even coverage of the ink and make it easier to print repeatedly on fabric.

Modern Screen Printing

Today, screen printing is still used in many forms. It's now a modern and efficient way to mass-produce custom clothing, like t-shirts. Companies use this method to create logos, branding, and designs on clothing quickly and efficiently. Custom t-shirt printing has come a long way since the days of Chinese silk screens.

While previous designs were hand painted and labor intensive, modern custom t-shirt printing is automated and efficient. It's now easier than ever to create your own custom clothing for any occasion. Instead of using blocks and hand-carved designs, modern machines can use digital images from computers to create intricate designs on clothing in just a few minutes.

Screen Printing in the Future

Screen printing is now an incredibly versatile form of art that can be used for everything from promotional products to fashion statements. With advances in technology, it's easier than ever for businesses or individuals to design their own custom apparel with amazing quality and detail. Custom t-shirt printing has evolved over centuries from its humble beginnings in China all the way up to the present day. The evolution has allowed us to create personalized, unique t-shirts that can be used for a variety of purposes. Whether you're a business looking to promote your brand or an individual looking to make a fashion statement, modern custom t-shirt printing makes it easy and economical.

No matter which form of screen printing is used, it's come a long way from its origins in China and Japan over one thousand years ago. The evolution of this art form has allowed us to create beautiful works of art that represent our own personal style and brand. Contact House of Apparel today to get started with creating your own unique design.

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